Our Vision

We, as a community, make a collective commitment to 鶹ý’s children. We will empower every child to discover and develop their passions, contribute to their community, and achieve a fulfilling and productive life.

Our Mission

We collectively commit that our students are cared for and respected, and that they will graduate from our schools prepared for success. All students will be exceptional in their own way, with strong character, a passion for learning, and ready for the widest range of educational and vocational options to support a diversity of life choices.

Developing The 鶹ý Promise

鶹ý Public Schools, working in partnership with our community,engaged inthe development of The 鶹ý Promiseour strategic plan.

A first draftwas generated in January 2012 and shared with staff at all 22 schools, the Student and Parent Advisory Committees, the 鶹ý Public Schools Foundation Board, employee association leaders, and a variety of other parent and community groups.Thousands ofcomments were collected at meetings and through an online survey. Themeswere identified from those comments and that feedback helped build The Promise.

The 鶹ý Promise reflects our 鶹ý’s policy governance policies, whichset desired outcomes for current students and graduates. The 鶹ý meets regularly with parent, community and staff groups through linkages to gather additional input on our futuredirection.

Every school year,school anddistrict leaders use input todevelop a work plancalled Priorities for Progressthat support the five key strategies of The Promise. This is also a living document that is continuously updated and improved based on feedback. It helps drive resource allocation through our budget process. We are currently working on evidence and measures of The 鶹ý Promise with an emphasis on the whole child.

Looking forward:

We continue to improve The 鶹ý Promise collaboratively, so that our vision, mission, values, outcomes and work priorities are always owned by students, staff, families, and our greater 鶹ý community. Together, we make The 鶹ý Promise a transparent, online document that is easily accessible and memorable for all.

Additional background information:


What is The 鶹ý Promise?